We’re often asked which directories therapists should advertise on. We always say to start with the free ones and see what happens.

We thought we’d help you out – so we’ve put together a list of directory websites. You can filter these according to whether they’re free or paid, and whether they’re specific to therapists or not.

Note that many of the free directories only offer a basic listing, and then you’ll have to upgrade if you want to add more information such as your website address.

You can find the list here – we hope you find it useful.

Just launched!

We’ve just launched our own therapist directory, the UK Therapy Hub, which is the largest therapist directory in the UK, and is totally free, forever. You’ll be able to upload your website information, contact details, images and special offers. Visit the Hub now.

Want more advice?

You’ll also find some great advice on this blog post about which directories to choose.

Which directories do you use?

We’d love to know which directories you’re listed on and whether you find them useful. Have we missed any on our document? Let us know here about any missing directories or broken links and we’ll get right onto it.