We are delighted to welcome you to this new advice website for all those working online.
Over the last 10 years virtually all psychotherapists and counsellors have acquired some sort of digital presence. The provision of online therapy has emerged and begun to blossom, despite the concerns and cautions that may understandably have made us hesitant to progress in this area. It is now impossible to ignore the digital world in any professional arena. There will be something that is relevant to your practice and the world of online communication here, even if you are not actually delivering therapy online.
Be sure to read our review article on Best Online Therapy UK and Best Online Couples Therapy UK
If you ever text clients, contact them by email, have a social media presence, or even keep your client appointments within your Microsoft Outlook, Google or other electronic calendar, this website has useful information and advice for you. You may not even be aware of some of the ways in which you are digitally connected. It is possible or even likely that you are unaware of both the positive potential that this can bring and also some pitfalls and hazards that may befall you.
Would you like to build a positive, fulfilling and profitable online therapy practice?
This website aims to provide something of interest for everyone, and in particular we warmly welcome those already working online or contemplating this way of working. We will offer you tips and resources that we hope will point you in the right direction. We aim to help you to consider and develop your online presence, then your online practice and, perhaps ultimately, the way you work therapeutically online.
Get started by looking through the menu above. Some of the topics offered include:
- Exploring your digital profile
- Contemplating an online practice
- Setting up your online practice
- Marketing your practice
- Networking with other practitioners
- Security and confidentiality
- Software and independent reviews
- Legal issues to consider, including data protection requirements and working internationally
- The special role of language online
- The value and importance of specialist training
This information will be provided by a team of practitioners with a special interest in online therapy and who have been involved in research, consultancy, publications and training. They will be on hand to respond to any questions you may have.
We will bring you up to date news of any important developments in the online therapy field, reviews of training programmes and organisations, and reports from relevant conferences and workshops, both nationally and internationally.