Our CEO, Dr Adam Read, discusses exciting future plans to help you get the best out of your business
Since taking over PPH in early July, it is clear that communicating with you and providing a valuable service that meets your needs is our number one goal. After speaking with some of our longstanding members and B2B product partners, such as WriteUpp, I soon realised that we needed to put you in the driver’s seat when searching for the right products and services to help overcome challenges and take your businesses to the next level. After all, as business owners, we are only as good as the people, tools and resources we have at our disposal. It takes years to craft the magic formula for any business and it’s our job at PPH to help you put this together.
A data-driven marketplace is born
Whether you are a health practitioner, B2B service or consumer product manufacturer, I believe everyone should know exactly how to thrive in today’s healthcare market. Discovering the right product for your business is no different from the complex challenges that clients and patients face when trying to find the right therapist. To put it simply, we are focusing our efforts to help you solve the problem of discoverability with your businesses: whether that be searching for the best practice management solution, locating the best social media agency, matching with the right employer to get your clinical experience off the ground or indeed helping new prospective clients engage with your own businesses online.
With this in mind, it is with great pleasure that I announce that the new look PPH will be launching in November 2020. We are creating a community of health care products, services and practitioners with more relevant, engaging content which can really boost your knowledge and understanding of how to succeed in the world of business. To align with our mission of making healthcare evidence based and data driven, this exciting next iteration will be our unique way of objectively reviewing and presenting each product, service and health practitioner who are part of the PPH ecosystem.
With over 80,000 monthly page views per month to our online directory listing service, The UK Therapy Hub, our plan is to enhance this popular feature with a number of powerful new directory features that will help every member make incremental improvements to their profiles and improve the overall discoverability from new prospective employers, collaborators and of course, clients.
With the pandemic still rumbling on, the problem of discoverability has never been more relevant than during this moment in time. Running any business during the pandemic is unbelievably tough and I truly know how hard it must be for some of our members. Our goal is to help you tackle each stage of business development and overcome the most complex of challenges as efficiently and objectively as possible.
If there are any specific topics you want us to cover or areas you would like insight on, please do get in touch: info@privatepracticehub.co.uk
Dr Adam Read
Shaping the healthcare system of tomorrow by putting practitioners and patients first