Categories: Acupressure Acupuncture Alternative Therapies My Services:
Trusted treatments, considered care At Acupuncture @ Alma Vale, we treat people, not problems. Our individually tailored, professional treatments cover a wide range of concerns, with a special interest in male and female infertility and women’s health. All of our treatments are developed to ensure you get the most from your care. All four acupuncture practitioners are members of the British Acupuncture Council and with a vast wealth of experience. Jill Glover and Helen Fielding, in particular, have been practicing, teaching, coaching and sharing their expertise with patients for more than 30 years. We work in tandem, delivering bespoke, effective and carefully considered treatments by pooling our knowledge and skills. This peer-support approach puts our clients’ wellbeing right at the heart of our practice and allows us to deliver professional acupuncture therapies to the very highest standards in a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Confidence in the complementary Originating in China, the principles of acupuncture date back more than 2,000 years, but its uses are no less relevant today. Acupuncture remains a vital complementary therapy and is flourishing, with an ever-growing body of research testifying to its benefits. It promotes a holistic, thought-through approach, which treats both body and mind, bringing balance and relief from a wide range of symptoms.
Training, qualifications and experience:
BSC (Hons) in Chinese Medicine Licensed Acupuncturists Diploma in Chinese Medicine
Professional memberships:
Member of the British Acupuncture Council Member of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine
£40 – £65 per session (40-45 minutes)
Contact Information Contact Name: Jill Glover Phone Number: 0117 377 1186 Email Address: Send an email